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Peggy Carter was the peg

There are two things I am looking forward to this April. One is our Easter Celebration and the second one, of course, is Avengers: Infinity War.

I can't contain my Marvel fangirl feelings until now so I had to secure early tickets to the movie. As for Easter, it was a chance where I can dress up as my favorite heroine: Agent Carter.

"I know my value. Anyone else's opinion doesn't matter."

You see, I never pictured myself doing cosplay for anything.

But when our department announced that we'll be having heroes and villains for our Easter theme, it immediately popped in my head that hey, why not take this opportunity to suit up as Agent Margaret "Peggy" Carter?

So I did.

Shield, shoes, and shoot.

I did prepare for it—I even bought textile from Divisoria and looked for a good tailor in our neighborhood. I was hoping I can copy the closest thing I can get to that vintage iconic blue terno suit of hers.

With a colleague as Captain America

I found a red hat and jazzed it up a bit to achieve the same intricate details (I did realize it was bigger though). Then I bought a Captain America shield and toy gun to compliment the costume.

But I didn't really care much if the kids at the Easter party would recognize me. I was doing it for myself.

Carter, waiting for dance with Cap.

Also, when I heard the news that Hayley Atwell was supposed to headline ComicCon Asia last March, I was actually thinking about wearing the costume if I did meet her in flesh. The tickets however were pricey. I honestly think it wasn't worth it, especially for an event that was tainted with political motives.

The good thing was she didn't push through because of her work-related stuff.

Spot the shield.

But maybe. Just maybe—I'll be able to pull this off again. Next comiccon, perhaps?

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