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Your Salary Is Not Your worth

"Siguro ang laki-laki na ng sweldo mo noh?"

I have been working for over a decade now (yes, I'm that old). I've jumped to a handful of jobs and each time, no fail, someone would ask me that same question. Siguro ang laki na ng sweldo mo, noh?

Honestly, job-hopping has given me the opportunity to negotiate my salary each time. I'm not going to deny that because if you've been working and working but your bank account's not increasing—what's the point?

But, that's not how it works for everyone.

Some people choose to settle with their jobs because they think of comfort and convenience. Some think about the working relationship they have established with their colleagues and bosses. Some stay because they think of the learning opportunities and bigger chances of career growth in their current jobs. Some just like how things are. The list goes on but you get what I mean.

You'd be surprised that even those in senior managerial or head positions earn less than some who are in the rank-and-files. It always depends on the nature of the industry and the company they are in.

So what am I getting at?

Countless times I have heard from people—and sadly, from elders mostly—that a person's worth is based on their paychecks. You haven't made it if you're not earning six digits or more.

Imagine working your ass all day. Even with the small wins you have at work that makes you feel damn proud of yourself, then suddenly, you are handed with a payslip that reminds you that no, you're not earning as much as your brother or your sister or your cousin or the anak of your kapitbahay.

You try to be good at with what you do but then you get slapped in the face with reality because you cannot afford a nice car, a vacation trip, or a house for your family.

Siguro, ang laki na ng sweldo mo noh?

No, not really. But unlike before, you finally have that option not to eat your baon and buy yourself a delicious hot meal for lunch.

Unlike before, you can finally check out that thing you added to cart from Shopee or Lazada.

That shoulder bag you've been using for years now? You can finally replace with a new one. A branded one.

You're finally getting yourself a life insurance. You're even considering getting a condo unit somewhere in Mandaluyong.

You've paid your dues. You've paid your taxes. You're giving some to your parents. You're saving some for yourself.

Maybe it's not as big as what your elders would expect, but it's enough for you to live comfortably and within your means. You may be struggling at times but you have come all the way to where you are now, and you definitely deserve a pat on your back. (Now, if you're not actually doing anything to make your life better, that's a different story, you lazy piece of sh—.)

You would realize that these people who are probing around how much you get don't really have a clue in whatever work you do.

You may not be as lucky as the others but everyone's gotta respect everyone's hustle. You are not your paycheck.


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